Friday, 18 May 2012

Feature and Follow #97

So its Friday!TGIF! So over the past few weeks I have contributed to Feature and Follow, where you find new friends by posting every Friday. Its hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. They interview different bloggers every week and they create new question. Basically its so some of us bloggers can have some fun and get some followers

So This Weeks Question IS.........
 Summer break is upon us (in USA)! What would be your perfect vacation spot for you to catch up on your reading and relaxing????

A) Oh dear if I was to pick a perfect vacation spot it would have to be Hawaii or New Zealand because they are oh so pretty. Though I would probably not get much reading done in either places in Hawaii because I would be stand up paddle boarding and in NZ my family is there so I would be very crowded.
So lets see hmm where in the world would I go it would have to be Brazil; best place ever to relax and read at the same time. I got an assignment once saying you have $10,000 and you can go any where in the world but everything costs money, so I did the unusual and went to Brazil and OMG I almost died not actually going. It was so pretty!!!

So whats your favourite vacation??

Hugs and Wishes 


  1. Oooh, Hawaii!!! I'd love to go :)

    I'm a new GFC follower, btw ;)

    Here's my Follow Friday

  2. Aww I love your ideas! Hawaii would be perfect. I would love to go to Brazil- I imagine it being really colourful and fun!

    New follower :-)

    My FF post:

  3. Oh, New Zealand would be amazing!

    New follower via GFC!

    Happy Friday!

    Here's our FF


  4. Hawaii is my favorite place in the world. I'd love to see New Zealand and Brazil too. See my vacation spot here
    Old follower :) Happy reading!

  5. I mentioned New Zealand too- Middle Earth to be specific<3
    New follower:)

    The Fiction Diaries

  6. Mine would be New Zealand to! I used to live there and miss it so much.

    Hi, I love the blog! I found you over on Book blogs and followed! I would love it if you checked out my book blog to. Thank, kate.


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